Rottnest Island Authority’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan is designed to increase the voice and participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the management of Wadjemup.

The plan includes a public apology from RIA for the pain and anguish within Aboriginal communities that resulted from the authority’s historical role in the concealment of the history of the Island as a place of incarceration. Wadjemup was used as an Aboriginal prison between 1838-1904, and as a forced labour camp for Aboriginal prisoners until 1931. At least 373 of these prisoners died in custody and were buried in an area currently referred to as the Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground.


The red/orange/yellow circles in the centre of the design represent Aboriginal culture and community. The yellow/orange/red lines that flow around the interior of the graphic represent Aboriginal people protecting their knowledge, culture and community. The aqua/green on the outside of the enclosing shape represent the Rottnest Island Authority and its employees. The colours between the red/orange/yellow and aqua/greens represent collaboration and consultation with Aboriginal people.

The vibrant colours and flowing water shapes symbolise the energy and commitment of the Rottnest Island Authority and Aboriginal people for true reconciliation.

You can view the full publication on the RIA website.

Readers are warned that this document contains material, including historical images, that may be confronting and/or emotionally challenging. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers should be aware that this document may contain images and names of people who have passed away. 


Yarnda Foundation


Wadjemup Rottnest Island - South Thomson Playspace